Friday, February 1, 2008

Sciencie...No Problem...( Error 101 : Delete 'No' )

Man...when people told me that science was bad..

I was trying to be Superwoman (no..dont begin to visualise now...)

Actually watt lag gayi...and then the best part about this creepy, cruel and idiotic life(no, I'm not outta words, just being a bit decent...) is that person next door... yeah, the geeky alien who hasnt known life without books (not that he wishes to). When, once in a blue moon he looks out of his dingy room...all you can see is shreds of a youngster who has toiled so hard for a year that he has lost his identity...and it doesnt bother him...and as if making you feel guilty about your 'study routine' wasn't enough, he waves a hand at you. And when you suddenly start feeling that he is trying to become sane for once and wave back, he pops up THE question,
"How's your 11th going ? ? ?"

Blink !* Blink !* Blink !*

Like shit?

Naah, you dont want to say that to him...who seems like a butcher to you now...
Because you have heard the saying 'Put your best foot forward...'
So you do the best you could have done at that time...

"Great! .... Uhh...Good actually..."

This isnt a lie really, is it.... you just put your best foot forward...Right momma?

And then when he thinks he has sinned enough and needs to make up for it, he goes back into that cringy world...a world everyone expects you to be in..except you....

And you stand there...not even an inch inspired by that nerd....
And wait for some one else to open a window and wave a hand at you....

That's Life....( Read ' A Sciencie's Life ' )


Unknown said...

actually thts so true!
but somehow i dont feel too guilty most of the times
n when i do i go occupy myself with better stuff hehe

yuckkkk science life!

Unknown said...

oh oh i also like the title! lolll

Abhilasha said...

this onez straight from the me...

Disha said...

*waves both hands wildly*
You know what?!
You should've told me that!!
Now I'll wave at you everyday :P
I love the way you write!!

Thanks for the comments on my blog!

:) Oh, and welcome to the blogging world! Hope you like it in here :)

Vasudha said...


Jeez, why didn't you tell me you blogged too?!

And well, beta, agle saal ke liye ruko. :P Kiddin' ya, you're topping your class right now, no? That's studying enough. You're better off preserving the life you have. :P :)

Abhilasha said...

dish : dare u try wavin at me in skul k?? it isnt as pleasant as u think it to b...

Abhilasha said...

vasudha: yeah rite, toppin in clas dst prove an inch of nethin k?? life is hell lot more than that...

P@LL@\/! said...

arre yaar itz nt dat bad....hum bhi to sciencie fact itz fun....lyf is gud..jus learn 2 luk at it dat way...n u rite so well dear sis..